Key Growth Start-up Advisory Boards™ meets monthly to create a close, trusted community of peers who get to know one another, understand one another's opportunities and challenges, and become powerful sources of counsel and wisdom.

These meetings provide participants with actionable insights, counsel, and support that translates into improved outcomes in business and life.
Start-up Advisory Boards Structure Overview:
  • Participants present challenges that are holding them back from the success they seek. Founders are faced with making tough decisions and the board is there to contribute so that no rock is left unturned and assisting them in making an informed decision. Accelerating their growth and success.
  • Providing insights into company roles and responsibilities, investors & investment, financial considerations, technology solutions, personnel management & communication, partnership Strategies, vendor/workload balance, sales, marketing, and networking.
  • Conversations and information are under NDA, so participants can freely discuss business concerns while building trust.
  • At each board meeting, an education topic is introduced to provide board members with new awareness and knowledge.
  • Built into the monthly meeting are performance goal setting and an ongoing accountability structure.
  • Discovering what you don’t know you don’t know.
  • Building relationships with peers on a similar journey, dealing with similar challenges.
  • Building the habit to work on your business instead of being ‘stuck’ inside it.
  • The practice of communicating in a board setting.

Monthly Advisory Board meetings are virtual and 2.5 hours. Maximum board size of 8.

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